
Yaqui Ritual and Performance


Nov 19-24, 1981

Organized by

Richard Schechner, Edward Spicer and Victor W. Turner


Oracle Conference Center, Oracle, Arizona


By Means of Performance: Intercultural Studies of Theatre and Ritual (R. Schechner and W. Appel, Eds.) Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.


  • Willa Appel Citizens’ Housing and Planning Council, USA
  • Keith Basso University of Arizona, USA
  • Herb Blau University of Wisconsin, USA
  • Fred Eggan University of Chicago, USA
  • Larry Evers University of Arizona, USA
  • Jim Griffith University of Arizona, USA
  • Richard Haefer Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
  • Alan Lomax Columbia University, USA
  • Felipe S. Molina Yoem Pueblo, USA
  • Alfonso Ortiz University of New Mexico, USA
  • Lita Osmundsen Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA
  • Jerome Rothenberg University of California, San Diego, USA
  • Richard Schechner New York University, USA
  • Emory Sekaquaptewa University of Arizona, USA
  • Edward Spicer University of Arizona, USA
  • Barbara Tedlock Tufts University, USA
  • Robert K. Thomas University of Arizona, USA
  • Edith Turner University of Virginia, USA
  • Victor W. Turner University of Virginia, USA
  • Anselmo Valencia Pascua Yaqui Tribal Association, USA
  • Phillip Zarilli University of Wisconsin, USA

ORGANIZER’S STATEMENT: The first of three conferences that brought together performers, scholars, directors, and choreographers from a cross-section of world cultures and culminated in the publication of “By Means of Performance,” this symposium on Yaqui deer dancing was held both at Pascua Pueblo near Tucson and at the Oracle Conference Center.   The goal of these meetings was to approach the genres of theatre, dance, music, sports, and ritual as a single, coherent group, as performance, where it was hoped that the conferences would lay the groundwork for proposing general principles or “universals of performance.”

Wenner-Gren Symposium #89-1